
(2023). User-centric immersive virtual reality development framework for data visualization and decision-making in infrastructure remote inspections. Advanced Engineering Informatics.
(2023). Automated UAV image-to-BIM registration for building façade inspection using improved generalised Hough transform. Automation in Construction.
(2023). Incorporation of BIM-based probabilistic non-structural damage assessment into agent-based post-earthquake evacuation simulation. Advanced Engineering Informatics.
(2023). Semantic segmentation of bridge point clouds with a synthetic data augmentation strategy and graph-structured deep metric learning. Automation in Construction.
(2023). Cognitive ergonomics-based Augmented Reality application for construction performance. Automation in Construction.
(2022). Automated UAV path-planning for high-quality photogrammetric 3D bridge reconstruction. *Structure and Infrastructure Engineering *.
(2022). A scientometric review of construction progress monitoring studies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
(2022). Investigating the New Zealand Off-Site Manufacturing Industry’s Readiness for Automated Compliance Checking. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
(2022). Automated semantic segmentation of bridge components from large-scale point clouds using a weighted superpoint graph. Automation in Construction.